You will choose a locality familiar to you and identify one public health need within this area. You will highlight the implications for healthcare fo

The  Report Written Assessment

The written assignment for Module 2 is a 3000 word Health Needs Assessment reviewing local, national and world health patterns and wellbeing outcomes. You will choose a locality familiar to you and identify one public health need within this area. You will highlight the implications for healthcare for this public health need.  Additionally for your selected health need you will identify and understand the local health services available and the role of the nurse in health promotion delivery.


Learning outcomes that the Public Health report covers

Demonstrate knowledge of epidemiology, demography, genomics and the wider determinants of health, illness and wellbeing and apply this to an understanding of global patterns of health and wellbeing outcomes (Learning Outcome 1)Discuss and explain the factors that may lead to inequalities in health outcomes. (Learning Outcome 2)Consider how mental, physical, behavioural and other health related outcomes may be improved by understanding and explaining the principles, practice and evidence-base for health screening programmes. (Learning Outcome 4)Apply understanding of national and local data related to the health care needs and associated services of a local population. (Learning Outcome 5)


Outline of Report


Title Page


Contents Page


You must use this structure for the report.



Introduction (~200 words – the recommended words are rough guides to the expected word count for each section)


You will introduce your topic, and detail what will be explored in the report (e.g. introduce each section of the report)



a) Locality (LO1) (~100 words)


You will choose a locality that is relevant to you – for example, where you work or live. You may choose a district or county. If you can find appropriate data at the district level, it may be worthwhile choosing this as a locality. You can then compare districts within the county when you explore the determinants of health and health inequalities. 


You will provide demographic data. For example, population, age range, changes in population, ethnicity of population


b) Health and Social Care data (LO5) (~500 words)


You will choose a public health need that is relevant to your locality. For example, it may be a health need in your community, and the data shows it is an issue in your area. You need to relate your chosen health need to your branch: adult, mental health, child.


You will explore the data related to your chosen health need in your locality. You will use data from a range of different sources, including the local Joint Strategic Needs Assessment (JSNA), the Local Authority Health Profile and Public Health Outcomes Framework on the Office for Health Improvement and Disparities (OHID) Fingertips website. Additional data can be used from the Office for National Statistics (ONS), NHS Digital, NHS England, and the World Health Organisation (WHO).



You will include tables and diagrams to demonstrate the data. Data can include the prevalence of the disease in the locality, the prevalence of the disease in different groups (e.g. female/male, age range, different ethnicities). Data could also include hospital admissions related to the condition, or deaths related to the condition.


The tables and figures can be copied from other sources but must include a title and a reference.


You will need to include a small amount of national data and international data too. This may be the rates of the condition from the whole country, and rates globally. What implications can you draw from this? Is your locality rate much higher than the national and international data? Or is it similar, or lower?



 Determinants, inequalities, and barriers to health (LO1, LO2) (~800 words)


You will demonstrate your understanding of the wider determinants of health, health inequalities and barriers to health.


Identify any health determinants and inequalities in your chosen locality which may impact on the public health issue you have identified, and the overall health of this community.


Relate your findings to social data such as employment rates, level of education, economic deprivation


You will use local data to highlight any health inequalities. For example, data on life expectancy and the differences between the richest and poorest. Are there inequalities in the rates of your chosen health need that relate to socioeconomic position, gender, ethnicity, employment or education?


You will use published research on the wider determinants of health and health inequalities to explore the health need in more detail. You will link this to the local data.


You will use published research on the barriers to health for this chosen need, and relate to your chosen locality.




a) Review of current service provision (LO5) (~400 words)


You will explore the local services for your chosen public health need. What NHS, private and charitable services are available for people in your area?


What national services are there? What national guidelines are there for this condition? Are there any relevant NICE Guideline?


b) Role of the Nurse in health promotion and screening (LO4) (~500 words)


You will explore the role of the nurse in health promotion and prevention of ill health for this public health need. You will use health promotion theory to explore the role of the nurse.


You will consider what screening can be undertaken for this condition, and the role of the nurse in this.




Conclusion (~300 words)


You will summarise the main findings of the report. You will give a brief summary of each section of the report (do not introduce any new ideas in the conclusion).



Recommendations for practice (~200 words)


You will make recommendations for improving your chosen need.


A minimum of one reference will apply to the role of the nurse.



Reference List


Please follow the Cite Them Right referencing guide for Harvard style.



Appendices – if required



Presentation Of The Report:Please use your SID number ONLY and NOT your name to identify the author. Please review the following formatting requirements:Submit as a MS Word document or document that is compatible with canvas Speedgrader. Please check it has uploaded properly. The SID NUMBER ONLY and Page number should be as headers and footers and therefore set up on every page.Contents page MUST be included.This report should be written in the Third Person or Passive voice.An appropriate font should be used i.e. Times New Roman or Ariel.The font size should be no less than size 11.The essay utilises 1.5 or 2 line spacing. Align the text consistentlyThe reference list should appear before any appendices.All coursework assignments and other forms of assessment must be submitted by the published deadline, which is detailed above. It is your responsibility to know when work is due to be submitted and the MODE OF DELIVERY. This mode of delivery will be a single electronic file via Canvas and via electronic assessment for the bioscience MCQ. Ignorance of the deadline date and mode of delivery will not be accepted as a reason for late or non-submission.Remember the following:
– Referencing
– Academic writing level 4
– Study skills
– Multiple perspectives
– Grammar / presentation

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