You are required to carry out a safety audit of an organisation of your choice– Safety Audit , Assignment 1, Ireland

Learning Outcomes Covered:

LOS 1, 4, 5, 6 With reference to the Health and Safety Act 2005

You are required to carry out a safety audit of an organisation of your choice.

1. Plan of Action- This will explain how you gathered the information for your assignment and went about writing the assignment. (approx. % -1 page, 300 words)

2. Safety and Health Policy – This must include reference to Safety and Health at Work Act 2005, elements and functions of the Safety Statement what should be in a Safety Statement and how it should be written, role of the employer and employee under the legislation and all other relevant aspects of the Safety and Health Policy. (approx. 1 pages)

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1: Plan of Action (300 words) 3 marks
How/Why you chose the company/business that you have chosen and how you went about gathering information.

Was it the Internet? Actual company statement? Interviews with staff? Personal experience within this company? It must come from a primary source. Photographic evidence would be beneficial also.

2: Safety and Health Policy (approx. 600 words)

a) A: Name the full name of the Act and the legislation that applies to the safety statement b)

B: Functions and elements of the safety Statement (approx. 300 words on the functions and the elements) – relate these directly to the company which you are auditing. Do not copy and paste them from the slides – link them in with the business you have chosen to audit and put them in your own words.

c) C: List Employer Duties (approx. 150 words) – Remember it must relevant to the company you have chosen.

d) D: List Employee duties (approx. 150 words) – again must be relevant to the company you have chosen.

3:Hazards, Risks and Control Measures Table

Here you must recreate and complete the table as per brief with all 6 headings.
You must have 6 hazards in total. It might be useful to number them 1- 6. Ensure that they are relevant to the company that you have chosen.

 For each risk, write down full sentences about how the hazard could cause the risk and why.
Rate each risk, but give the reason why you are allocating that rating to it (say why you are rating it as high, medium or low). Full sentences.
 Write the control measures for each risk but again, you need to write full sentences and say why that control measure is being used/or could be used. How would that control measure prevent or reduce the risk?
 Rate each risk after the control measure is implemented – say why you are saying whether it would be high, medium or low. Are there still any risks associated with the hazard? Why?

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4: Recording your finding: Recommendations (approx. 300 words)

This refers to recommendations to further decrease the risks associated with the 6 hazards that you have identified.

They should match your table 1-6, i.e. you must write recommendations for each hazard in your table.

5: Review and Update –
This must include principles and procedures for good housekeeping in the workplace, the importance of maintenance arrangement, the advantages and disadvantages of preventative and corrective maintenance of equipment

a) Principles of Good housekeeping (Relative to your company) (approx. 150 words) b) Procedures of good housekeeping (Relative to your company) (approx. 150 words) c) How often the safety statement will be updated?

d) Why would a safety statement need to be updated?

e) How will employees be made aware of any changes to the safety statement? How is it communicated to the staff?

6: Evaluation

a) Evaluation of the overall Safety and Health in the company – what do you think/what is you opinion about the company’s overall safety and health policy? Could they improve anything – what/why? Or is it great overall? Why? (approx.. 150 words).

b) Evaluation of the assignment approx. 150 words). What did you learn? What was interesting?

7: Bibliography-

You must be able to show evidence that you have done extensive research. Remember you need to reference throughout the assignment also.

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