SOC-481 Action Research Project Proposal Assignment Instructions: This is a three-part assignment, in which you develop a proposal for a viable action

Action Research Project Proposal
Instructions: This is a three-part assignment, in which you develop a proposal for a viable
action research project. The purpose of the proposal is to engage and inform potential
funders of the project, as well as other key stakeholder groups invested in social change
initiatives. The proposal should clearly and succinctly describe all aspects of your proposed
project, clearly explaining what you will do and why. Please note that you are not required
to implement the project as part of the SOC-481 coursework.
In PART 1 of the assignment, you will develop the initial sections of an action research
In PART 2, you will build upon and revise the initial sections of the proposal (as needed),
adding the last sections of the proposal and completing a final draft of the proposal.
In PART 3, you will develop a Power Point presentation, to include an overview of your
proposed project, as well as a completed SWOT Analysis which could potentially be used to
guide further development of the proposed project.
In this part of the assignment, you will develop a PowerPoint presentation in which you provide
an overview and summary of vour pronosed communitv.based action research nroicet. In an.

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