Principles of industrial and organizational psychology
I need this in 150 words for each question. I also want each answer with its references and the references should be within the last 5 years
MODULE 1- Topic: I-O Psychology and the Scientist-Practitioner Model
DQ 1: From an historical context, what major changes in the workplace have occurred that created the need for I/O psychologists? Support your answer with specific historical events or topics.
DQ 2: Generational Cohort differences continue to create challenges in the workplace. Looking at these differences from the scientist-practitioner model, what strategies would you employ for improving generational cohort relationships? Why?
Levy, P. E. (2013). Industrial/organizational psychology: Understanding the workplace (4th ed.). New York, NY: Worth Publishers.
MODULE 2: Topic: Human Work Behavior and Job Analysis
DQ 1: Why are reliability and validity important for assessment? How are content validity and criterion-related validity used to establish construct validity? Support your position.
DQ 2: Is a job-oriented, a worker-oriented, or a hybrid job analysis approach most appropriate? Why
MODULE 3: Topic: Criterion Theory and Development
DQ 1: Consider criterion deficiency and criterion contamination. How do these constructs limit a criterion’s relevance? Explain.
DQ 2: How are psychological constructs developed and evaluated? Explain.
Read Chapter 4.
Use Sage Research Methods to research potential resources to develop the theoretical foundations for your paper.
MODULE 4: Topic: Individual and Organizational Assessment
DQ 1: Should personality inventories, integrity assessments, and cognitive ability assessments be used in the employee selection process? Why or why not?
DQ 2: How are the results from the psychometric assessments you discussed in discussion question 1 in this topic used to establish person-job and person-organization fit? Explain.
Read Chapter 6.
Morris, S. B., Daisley, R. L., Wheeler, M., & Boyer, P. (2015). A Meta-Analysis of the Relationship Between Individual Assessments and Job Performance. Journal of Applied Psychology, 100(1), 5-20. doi: 10.1037/a0036938.
MODULE 5: Topic: Recruitment, Selection, and Placement
DQ 1: What types of psychometric assessments (e.g., personality inventories, cognitive assessments, and integrity tests) are best to identify applicants with the strongest job and organizational fit? Why?
DQ 2: When should interviews be used in a multi-hurdle selection process? Are structured interviews best? Why or why not? Do multiple interviewers add validity to the hiring decision? Explain.
Read Chapter 7
Gray, E., & Nathan, G. (2015, June 22). Do you understand why stars twinkle? Would you rather read than watch TV? Do you trust data more than your instincts? Time, 185(23), 40-46.
MODULE 6: Topic: Effective Employee Feedback
DQ 1: What are the primary reasons to use job descriptions in the creation of performance appraisal processes and rating forms? Support your position.
DQ 2: What are the advantages of supervisor training for employee appraisals? Should employees self-rate prior to the feedback meeting? Why or why not?
Read Chapters 9 and 10.
MODULE 7: Topic: Training: Theory, Program Design, and Evaluation
DQ 1: What are two of the most important reasons for using theory-based information to develop employee training and development? What are two of the most relevant theories involved in this process? Explain.
DQ 2: Why is transfer of training important? Explain. How is this transfer measured? Explain.
Read Chapter 8.
MODULE 8: Topic: Assessing Organizational Leadership
DQ 1: What are the most important requisite skills required of organizational leaders? Why? How do effective and ineffective leadership behaviors affect employees both positively and negatively? Explain.
DQ 2: Focus on Research:
Reflect on three of the articles you have chosen for the literature review assignment. How will these articles help you proceed from here?
Read Chapter 13.
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