Module 1 Assignment Overview During this learning module, you will explore the ideas of some of the world’s great behavioral and cognition theor
Module 1 Assignment
During this learning module, you will explore the ideas of some of the world’s great behavioral and cognition theorists and apply their theories to your work as an educator. From B. F. Skinner’s behaviorism theories, the constructivist theories of Jean Piaget and Lev Vygotsky,
Albert Bandura’s social learning framework, Abraham Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs, to Howard Gardner’s multiple intelligences model, each has helped shape how we look at student behavior and learning and has assisted teachers in better understanding their students’ needs and promoting higher achievement for students with diverse backgrounds and approaches to learning.
In this campus application assignment, there are two parts. In Part 1, you will examine at-risk students on your campus. In Part 2, you will explore Skinner’s application of positive reinforcement as you attempt to change negative behaviors, promote active learning, and build feelings of perceived control, self-efficacy, and relatedness in the students you targeted.
Performance Outcomes
• Use positive reinforcement strategies when interacting with students to promote active engagement and student self-efficacy.
Use the following Rubric to guide your work on the Module 1 Assignment.
Level 4
Level 3
Level 2 Emerging
Level 1
completes the atrisk student table and a description at the campus level by
providing appropriate data at each level indicated.
the atrisk student table and a description at the campus level by providing
data at each level
indicated, but
some need
more information or details.
Completes the atrisk student table and a description at the
campus level by providing data but either the data is inaccurate or the
description lack needed details.
at-risk student table and a description at the campus level are either
missing or provided with inaccurate data or lack of depth and clarity.
5 points
4 points
3 points
0-2 points
Case Study
identifies a student who is atrisk or underachieving, and provides a
sufficient and needed details for student profile, target behavior,
reinforcement strategies along with critical analysis reflection supported by
course readings.
a student who is atrisk or underachieving, and provides student profile,
target behavior, reinforcement strategies along with critical analysis
but more elaboration is needed at times.
a student who is atrisk or underachieving, and provides descriptions for the
four elements listed in the case study instruction, but needed details are
missing at times.
The case
analysis is either missing or provided but descriptions for some of the elements listed in the case study
instruction lack depth and clarity.
19-20 points
17-18 points
14-16 points
0-13 points
all paper directions. No errors in grammar, spelling,
paper directions. Few errors in grammar, spelling,
Paper lacks clarity and depth and/or multiple errors in
grammar, spelling,
lacks clarity and depth and multiple errors are present in
APA Style
or APA writing style.
or APA writing style.
punctuation, or APA writing style.
grammar, spelling, punctuation, and
APA writing style.
5 points
4 points
3 points
0-2 points
Module 1 Analysis Assignment, Part 1 of 2: Examining At-Risk Students
The first step of your campus application assignment is to examine students in your campus or classroom who are labeled “at-risk,” and determine how many of your students are eligible to receive federal Title I services. If you are not currently teaching or if your campus do not have any at-risk students, then locate a nearby campus of your choice to complete this assignment. The information you need can be retrieved from the Texas Academic Performance Reports (TAPR) or you can use currently available data from your campus as appropriate by reaching out to your school administration. For information on the state-defined at-risk indicators as outlined in the Texas Education Code, refer to Section E0919 of the Public Education Information Management Systems (PEIMS) Data Standards ( by clicking the hyperlink. After your initial investigation of the information, you will complete elements that are listed below. In rare cases, if you have no at-risk students on your campus, you can complate this assignment by working on underachieved students.
1. At-Risk Students
Complete the table by inserting appropriate numbers by retrieving most recent TAPR report for your campus ( or by obtaining the necessary data from your administration.
2. Campus Discription for At-Risk Students
After your careful examination of at-risk student information on campus, provide a narrative description of how at-risk students are supported on campus. For example, how are at-risk students get advised and supported for their learning needs? Based on your learning in this learning module from the lecture and course reading, what are the needed support that can be included and or enhanced to support at-risk students?
*The length for this part should be a well-developed paragraph or two.
Module 1 Analysis Assignment, Part 2 of 2: Case Study
B. F. Skinner stated that positive reinforcement is a vital tool in both promoting positive and changing negative behavior. For Part 2 of the application assignment, you will focus on a student who you identify as both underachiever and at-risk. You may provide a pseudonym for the studentwithout using the actual name of the student.
Focus your descriptions on the student’s learning behaviors and factors that are influencing his or her achievement level. Your next step in this assignment is to identify behaviors that you observed in your student that you would like to see changed or modified, and describe positive reinforcement strategies that you tried in changing these behaviors or you plan to implement. In your description, you need to be specific by including 1) reinforcement strategy schedule (how often, when, etc.), as well as 2) how you monitored (or will monitor) the effectiveness of your strategy. You will also describe the roles you think these reinforcement strategies played (or will play) in promoting feelings of perceived control, self-efficacy, and relatedness in these students. For the rationale for reinforcement strategies you select, you need to cite sources from course readings.
1. Student Profile
A brief description the student characteristics including grade level, subject matter, achievement level, learning history, etc.
2. Target Behavior
Describe the student behavior you wish to change.
3. Reinforcement Strategy
Describe the reinforcement strategy you used or plan to implement including scheduling and monitoring plan.
4. Critical Analysis Reflection
Describe how you believe the successful implementation of the strategies above in step 3 promoted (or will promote) a greater sense of control, self-efficacy, and relatedness in your student. If your plan did not work well, you can describe your “learned lessons” and what things you would do differently next time. If you have not implemented the reinforcement strategies yet, list possible challenges.