HBC101 Understanding Contemporary Society: The Social and Behavioural Sciences, Tutor-Marked Assignment 01, SUSS

Question 1

The government implemented the Protection from Online Falsehoods and Manipulation Bill (POFMA) in 2019 to protect society against damage from online falsehoods created by malicious actors. Falsehoods which may harm the public interest may have to be updated with a correction.

With the facts placed alongside the falsehoods, people can discern for themselves. In more serious cases, the post may have to be taken down. Those who deliberately use falsehoods to undermine the public interest using falsehoods may be subject to criminal action and the Courts have the final say on what is false statements of facts.

Shanmugam, K. (2019, May 7). “Second Reading Speech on The Protection from Online Falsehoods and Manipulation Bill”. Retrieved from: https://www.mlaw.gov.sg/news/parliamentary-speeches/second-reading-speech-by-minister-for-law-k-shanmugam-on-the-protection-from-online-falsehoods-and-manipulation-bill/
New Bill to Protect Society from Online Falsehoods and Malicious Actors. https://www.mlaw.gov.sg/news/press-releases/new-bill-to-protect-society-from-online-falsehoods-and-malicious-actors/ This assignment requires you to examine the state’s interest in managing information in Singapore.

(a) Examine three functions of socialisation and analyse the influence of media on each.

(b) Explain, from the government perspective, why Singapore requires measures such as POFMA to identify and remove falsehoods.

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