Family systems & counseling; substance use – divorce and children
Choose a topic impacting family systems and make a presentation with a minimum of three references-substance use must be included as a significant part of the family problem. Topics may include but not be limited to the following: Infertility and couples, Divorce and children, Schools and families, ADHD and families, Extramarital affairs, Military families, Ethnicity, etc. Topics can be book chapters not covered in class i.e., Psychoeducational Family Therapy, Research or training or professional issues, Becoming a Family Therapist: Training and Supervision, Professional Issues and Ethical Practices, The Family Journal, Journal of Marital and Family Therapy. Include an informal statement in the end of the presentation and describe what has been useful in relation to career/training. What was challenging about the material? Topics must be pre approved by the instructor and need to be declared by week 6. All topic presentations must include at least 3 references. Have a handout for the class with the outline and the three references. You are advised to use peer reviewed journal articles.
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