Economics-microecon theory: give two examples of insurance that you
Economics in Action: Start by watching the relevant lecture video. Then, respond to the assigned essay prompt. In your response, reference the video but also make sure to develop your own arguments. The word limit for your response is set at 300 words and, given the small word limit, you should not cite external sources. You will have to type out your answer in the field provided in GauchoSpace as the file-submission option has been disabled. There is no time limit, and you can save your draft and exit the assignment as long as the assignment remains open for submission. However, remember that once you choose to submit your response, your submission is final. Have in mind that while you are welcome to discuss broad concepts and ideas with other students, the final submission has to represent your own original work.
Your answer can receive a maximum score of 5 points and will be graded according to the following rubric:
A: Content is original and does an excellent job to analyze the economic question(s). The submission is easy to read, transitions connect ideas well, and the arguments strongly support the conclusion. There is an excellent application of economic theory. There are little or no grammar, punctuation, word choice, and spelling errors. General result: The submission is very focused.
B: Content does a good job to analyze the economic question(s). Arguments are strong but there may be one or two transitions that are not smooth. There are up to a few errors in grammar, punctuation, word choice, and spelling errors. General result: The submission is focused but has a few imperfections.
C: Response is appropriate but lacks a clear argument. Arguments are vague and/or incomplete. There is little organization to make the submission coherent. There are at least 6 errors in grammar, punctuation, word choice, and spelling. General result: The submission is adequate but lacks the depth and/or accuracy in an A or B submission.
D/F: Response does not adequately address the question(s). There are few or no clear arguments. There is little, if any, coherence to the submission. There are at least 10 errors in grammar, punctuation, word choice, and spelling errors. General result: The submission does a poor job to address the question(s).
Give two examples of insurance that you would or would not consider buying right now. Explain
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