Assignment Help paper- The reason a crime scene search is conducted is to establish the parameters of the crime being investigated and to identify and
The reason a crime scene search is conducted is to establish the parameters of the crime being investigated and to identify and seize evidence at the scene that will connect the suspect(s) and victim(s) to the scene. It will establish linkage between evidence items and their associative value to each other. It will help identify what actions occurred at the crime scene during the commission of the offense(s). It will also identify items that are missing from the scene or items that are in the crime scene that should not be there. The crime scene process helps identify the methods used (modus operandi) at the scene by the offender(s).
The new Crime Scene Investigator assigned to work for you has never processed a homicide scene before. While en route to the scene, you discuss with your new partner the details you were given by the dispatcher. You discuss methods of crime scene searching with each other.
If you had other personnel available to assist you and your new partner, what directives and assignments would you provide them with to assist in your crime scene search process?